When our customers succeed, we succeed, even in the most challenging environments and circumstances.

Sending everyone home to work meant helping customers enable urgent and secure remote connectivity and collaboration from anywhere, on any device, almost overnight. When protecting the health and well-being of employees and visitors became a top priority, smart technologies and our Connected Buildings expertise made it happen. Faced with unanticipated disruption in a year like no other, businesses partnered with us to optimize network performance and ensure long-lasting business resiliency.

Ready to make your digital transformation a reality? See how our worldwide team of more than 2,700 experts helped organizations respond, retool, and reimagine their businesses. We can do the same for you. View our Customer Case Studies.

5G & OnGo


Wi-Fi in New Patient Areas

With the surge of cases in the pandemic, one university hospital, like others across the country, created new areas specifically to treat COVID-19 patients. Black Box helped enable wireless communications for doctors and nurses with a very expeditious expansion of the hospital’s existing DAS as well as handling carrier engagement. 


RTLS for 100% Isolation Units

The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging healthcare workers in unimaginable ways. One hospital system needed a way to track both equipment and staff, particularly in new COVID-19 100 percent isolation units. Black Box stepped in and provided a new RTLS. The system is designed to reduce the hoarding of critical equipment assuring infection control and supporting excessively high utilization numbers. In addition, the system supports clinician handheld devices being used in triage areas and hospitals. 


Triage Patient Assessments

Black Box helped one southern hospital enable communications in outdoor triage tents and specially designated drive-through areas in parking garages. We installed Wi-Fi so the clinicians could assess patients with handheld devices. They also used the Wi-Fi to set up web meetings with doctors using computer-mounted cameras. 


2,000 Mobile Devices in 2 Days

In preparation for COVID-19 cases, a major healthcare system with three hospitals and 400 plus clinics was setting up triage tents in the parking lots of its hospitals. The Director of Telecommunications called Black Box and placed an expedited order of 2,000 mobile communications systems, including licenses, for its workers at the three hospitals. They requested that the materials be shipped immediately. The Black Box team powered through the request, and all the communications sets arrived at the three hospitals two business days after the request came in.


Financial Services Company Gets 5G Coverage Even Under Ground

A major financial services company wanted to provide 5G coverage at its facilities across the nation so that staff and guests could benefit from the speed and reliability of 5G, including at below-ground tornado shelters. Black Box engineered and delivered a turn-key solution that uses DAS.


Urgent Cellular Services

A major metropolitan university hospital greatly accelerated its planned opening of a newly constructed 1.5-million-square-foot hospital building from 12 months to just a few weeks to accommodate demand for healthcare services during the pandemic. The hospital system outlined how it wanted to bring 240 new patient beds in 120 patient rooms on five floors into immediate operation. Black Box had planned to deploy critical cellular voice and data communications over several months. Instead, Black Box delivered cellular services throughout two emergency department floors and three patient floors in just 12 days, two days ahead of the urgent deadline. 

Connected Building


Turning a Clinic into a Hospital

One major healthcare system with four hospitals and multiple clinics is in an area hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. The state and the Centers for Disease Control asked the system to turn one of its former hospitals, utilized as an outpatient clinic, back into a hospital to accommodate 102 COVID-19 patients. Black Box helped by installing two UG 50s to the existing NEC SV9500 IP system to support phones in the patient rooms and nurse/admin stations. 


Multi-Institutional Healthcare Provider Deploys Electronic Medical Record System

One of the largest healthcare delivery systems in the nation needed to understand the current network infrastructure at almost 200 locations in 22 states before launching their electronic medical record system. Black Box designed and deployed standardized processes for assessing infrastructure, resulting in a faster, more accurate audit than internal teams could manage. 


Crystal Clear Focus on Theft Saves Big Box Retailer - $1B and Counting

A major home improvement retailer (and decades long Black Box client) with a network of approximately 3,000 stores in the U.S. and the Caribbean was facing security challenges due to Its outmoded store cameras. Black Box responded with a multi-phased enterprise-wide rollout of upgraded state-of-the-art, IP-based security cameras with crystal-clear 4K resolution.


50,000 Patch Cords in Two Days

A large financial services company, and longtime Black Box customer, called us on a Saturday with an urgent request. The company needed 50,000 CATx patch cords delivered to their east coast headquarters by Monday. The cables were going to be used to enable remote workers. The Black Box team dropped everything and went to work immediately. The team sourced and shipped nearly 40,000 cables from our own technology products division warehouse and the rest from other suppliers and other Black Box inventories. To accomplish this two-day turnaround took an incredible team effort, especially over a weekend. The cables arrived as promised on Monday morning, and the company was able to set up its remote workforce.


European Co-working Company Builds Business with Black Box

Providing luxurious, high-functioning office space with the latest IT and support is the foundation of a European co-working company’s business. When installation at their latest location went awry, Black Box jumped in to complete the job in just six weeks, becoming a trusted partner for future locations in Europe and the United States.

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Remote Contact Center in Hours

In preparation for a surge in COVID-19 cases, a major metropolitan university/teaching hospital system needed to update its contact center. One of our full-time, on-site technicians managed to squeeze days of work into hours to accommodate the request. Six other on-site Black Box techs set up a command center and phones in the outside triage areas. In addition, another tech spent a weekend on the phone helping hospital staff enable remote working and remote call forwarding. 


Emergency Triage Centers in 1 Day

A major hospital system and current Black Box client called on us to help them set up multiple triage tents at several locations. The tents required running armored cable, setting up wireless access points, adding cameras, and more. The problem was the hospital needed the project to be done in one day instead of the initially requested three days. Black Box accomplished what was thought undo-able and now has techs stationed on-site as an extension of the hospital IT staff. 


Triage Structured Cabling in 8 Hours

Like its counterparts around the country, one midwestern health system was setting up outdoor triage tents to test and assess patients in a safe area. The hospital called Black Box for our expertise in cabling, but they had one request: the project had to be done in eight hours. Black Box quickly installed the heavy-duty, outdoor cable in just one day and provided emergency support for move, add, and change requests.

Customer Experience


Softphones in 48 Hours

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a premier healthcare provider in the mid-south had an urgent need to implement a work from home strategy for its financial and support teams. The healthcare system contacted Black Box for help. Within 48 hours of receiving the order, the healthcare system had remote worker licenses (softphones) and was able to maintain business continuity for its work from home team.


One Day Turnaround for Remote Calls

A professional association sent 250 employees to work at home during the pandemic. Unfortunately, what happened was more like pandemonium. Because all employee direct numbers had to be forwarded to ring a new number, the association was using two paths for every call and quickly ran out of call paths. The result was constant busy signals for members and employees. The association reached out to Black Box on a Thursday afternoon, by Friday, we provided 10 “test” SIP call paths over the customer’s existing Dedicated Internet access. We also arranged a call between vendor engineering, the association, and the SIP service provider. By Monday, we were able to activate 150 SIP call paths. In a matter of hours, the client was able to place calls using the new SIP call paths. The client was happy, and we concentrated months of work into days. 


VOIP Solution Leads to HIPAA-Compliant Remote Connection

A medical practice consortium turned to Black Box because of the high-latency and poor voice quality in their VOIP connection. Black Box solved the initial issue implementing an MPLS network and found solutions for their outdated PBX and security vulnerabilities, lowering network costs while resolving HIPAA compliance issues. 


Install Critical Phone System in 48 Hours

A national elder-care home in Tennessee experienced a communications crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. The facility’s aging phone system completely stopped working and left clinicians, administration, and patients with no service. This was a critical communication failure, especially as families could not contact their loved ones by phone. Black Box received the call for help on a Thursday. By Saturday, the facility had a modern communications system installed and by Sunday 100 percent of the phones were operational. 


Contactless Pizza Delivery/Pickup

An international pizza chain knew COVID-19 was going to affect its business. The customer anticipated an overload of delivery orders concurrent with a reduction of in-restaurant employees as all walk-in business is virtually eliminated. The company wanted a way to optimize in-store order efficiency as the number of employees was reduced as well as enable failover to another store in case a store is unable to open. The company reached out to us. The solution was a CPaaS system that enables Short Message Service (SMS) texting as well as routing customer phone calls for ordering through an automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The IVR was configured to send text messages when the pizza leaves the stores and the driver arrives at the doorstep to leave a pizza, enabling contactless delivery.


Healthcare Provider Updates to Scalable Voice Services at 70% of the Cost

A nationally recognized multi-site regional medical treatment facility in the Northeast was using outdated voice technology lacking redundancy or scalability. Black Box migrated their voice services seamlessly at 8 locations, delivering 2,000 SIP call paths over a redundant MPLS network while reducing service costs by 30%. 


Expanded Contact Center by 250%

Black Box recently finished outfitting a new healthcare help desk with a Cisco contact center. The center was not open long when COVID-19 hit, and all the agents were sent home. The company called us, and we made remote access happen with the right devices, software, and licenses, etc. In addition, we helped the company increase their network bandwidth to accommodate the remote workers. What started as a 100-agent center supporting nationally known healthcare systems is now a 250-agent center handling emergency COVID-19 calls. 

Data Centers


Global Data Center Services Client Builds Two Hyperscale DCs

A global Data Center Services client needed two hyperscale DCs to support their strategic plans and enable applications and services to billions of people worldwide. Black Box provided a holistic suite of services to construct and maintain the DCs, which include 20,000 server cabinets and enough fiber cabling to stretch from California to Sweden.

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Digital Workplace


Remote First Responder Agents in 10 Days

One of the largest providers of emergency air medical transportation in the U.S. has developed a strategic relationship with Black Box over the years. Because of the “first responder” nature of the business, the company’s two contact centers, which we installed and continue to support, are highly sophisticated and are more like a command-and-control center than a typical call center. We had just started working with the company on a project designed to strategically locate 30 remote agents in different areas of the country for improved disaster recovery when COVID-19 hit. In just ten days, which included global shipping, we provided everything needed (hardware/software) to connect remote agents across the country over IP to the main UC systems. 


Black Box's PBX Security Solution Saves Manufacturer $38K

 Security issues in a global manufacturer of home cleaning supplies' legacy PBX system led to international fraud. The previous maintenance contractors were unable to resolve the issue. Black Box stepped in to help consolidate them into a new UCC system with added features at a lower monthly cost and $38K in maintenance savings.


Remote Work for 100 COVID-19 Engineers

A large pharmaceutical company had been working round the clock to produce COVID-19 tests. The company produced two million tests in just three weeks. But as the pandemic worsened and spread, the company had to enable remote working for one hundred of its engineers. They called Black Box. We were able to implement a home-agent solution and reprogram their UC from a premise-based model to a remote model. 


Black Box Provides Calero Expertise While Reducing Retailer’s Carrier Cost by 30%

A major national retailer’s team was using Calero software as a communication management tool with little internal staff experience. Black Box provided Calero expertise and consulting services to reduce annual carrier-managed service costs by 30% through 2 FTE reductions. 


Enabling Remote Work

Clinicians at one major metropolitan hospital system are on the front lines and report to work every day. But the healthcare system wanted to protect administrative staff not involved in patient care. The system contacted Black Box and within a few days we procured and implemented 130 Multiline Client Mobile licenses to enable remote working. 


Automotive Company Reduces Carrier Service Costs by 10%

An automotive company was struggling to manage multiple carrier service providers across 100 locations with their small team. Black Box provided a carrier-managed service program with dedicated project management to drastically improve their results and reduce annual costs by 10%. 


Insurer Goes Remote in 48 Hours

A large insurance underwriter in the Midwest is an essential business and could not shut down during the pandemic. To protect employees, the company wanted to send 300 call center agents home to work. But because of the nature of the business, the company did not have a remote working model in place but rather an extremely secure premise-based system, which Black Box had installed and continues to maintain. The company contacted us for an immediate solution. Within 48 hours, we were able to quote and process 300 softphone licenses and had our technicians install the system remotely. We also provided remote training for the agents as well as all project management for the new system. 

Enterprise Networking


Centralize 300+ Disparate Healthcare Networks

A growing healthcare consortium needed to simplify and consolidate 300+ homegrown field office networks for manageability, agility, and HIPAA compliance. By leveraging Black Box's expertise and national service teams, they received a centrally managed, integrated SD-WAN network that mitigated risk, met all HIPAA requirements, and guaranteed 99.999% uptime. 

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Enhanced Network Solutions Bolstering Healthcare Excellence

A premier healthcare provider overhauled its IT infrastructure with Black Box’s assistance to enhance patient care services. The implementation of Extreme Networks' advanced SPB technology across vital locations modernized their core, distribution, and access networks. Integrating VSP 8K technology significantly expanded network capacity and reliability, uplifting the quality of healthcare services with streamlined, dependable data management.


Financial Institution’s New Network Saves $2B

A large, national financial institution reduced its network maintenance costs by $2 billion over
three years by optimizing its 70,000-server, 20,000-location network with Black Box. The previous multi-tiered, highly complex system was slow and costly. Working with Black Box increased security and speed while reducing downtime. 

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NorthPoint Fresh Partners with Black Box for Tech Transformation

In the bustling hub of Chicago, NorthPoint Fresh emerges as a leading force in temperature-controlled warehousing and distribution. Facing IT challenges and Wi-Fi interference issues, they turned to Black Box for comprehensive solutions. With upgraded infrastructure and advanced technology implementation, NorthPoint Fresh elevated its operational efficiency, safety standards, and HR compliance, positioning itself as one of the industry leaders.

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Extreme Networks Helps Connect School District With a Single Network

With multiple buildings, more than 150 applications and systems, and students and staff – each with multiple connected devices to support – the Upper St. Clair School District in Pittsburgh, PA, needed a network that could meet current needs and future expansion without having to troubleshoot every day. Read how Extreme's single pane of glass network management gives the small IT team clear visibility into what is happening on the entire network at all times.


Data Center Modernization for India’s Largest Financial Services Firm

Facing the critical task of upgrading outdated hardware with minimal operational disruption, a prominent financial services firm in India partnered with Black Box to modernize its data center in Mumbai and disaster recovery site in Hyderabad. The upgrade included installing high-availability switches and enhancing LAN connections with 25G and 10G fiber links from Extreme Networks, ensuring robust performance and improved application functionality across both locations.


Complete Network Optimization for $1M Cost Savings

When an IT client required a complete wireless refresh across 2,173 locations for a major home improvement retailer, Black Box stepped in to provide a dedicated 24/6 PMO team for a cost-effective, global deployment and installation. The installation included site visits, bills of materials, photos, workbooks, updated floor plans, and Q/A reports. Black Box’s familiarity with the retailer and existing relationship enabled the team to fortify and improve the wireless network for customers and employees alike, while optimizing for consistent high quality outcome across all locations. Entrusting Black Box’s equipment familiarity saved the client $1M in direct savings while providing an agile wireless network that supports future efficiencies.


Multinational Clients Get a Wireless Network Refresh Done Right

Two multinational clients required a complete network refresh to transform their wireless-user experience across 400+ locations around the world. Black Box engineers worked closely with their technology partners to meet wireless network design requirements for both clients, including surveys, remediation plan, predictive design, installation, validation, Day 2 support, and the decommissioning of existing legacy systems. Each client’s wireless refresh resulted in a well-designed, future-ready network that will lower costs, boosts operations, and encompass business values. Partnering with Black Box the clients receive ongoing support and monitoring for network health from one trusted partner for uniform, repeatable roll-out, and a consistent experience across all locations.

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Hospital’s HIPAA Maintained Remotely At $ 1.2M Value

A Top 5 North American hospital network turned to Black Box to provide employees with secure, HIPAA-compliant remote access via cloud management. Results included potential reallocated hospital space, lower business risk, additional remote work opportunities, and a $1.2 million recognized value for investment in security devices. 


Chichester College

Chichester College, facing the challenge of integrating and expanding its complex network infrastructure post-mergers, partnered with Black Box. Leveraging our structured cabling expertise and adaptable solutions, the college overcame disparities in site knowledge and network configurations across campuses. This collaboration resulted in timely project delivery, efficient network integration, and a future-ready infrastructure, supporting Chichester College's growth and educational mission.

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Centralize and Secure Complex, Segmented Network

A growing software/hardware technology company catering to carwash retailers need to integrate its highly complex, highly segmented enterprise network. Adding to the challenge was PCI data compliance and simplified, centralized network management with a small IT team. The solution was an SD-WAN that was secure, manageable, and provided 99.999% uptime.

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Network Infrastructure Upgrade for a Global Auto Manufacturer

The Indian arm of a global automotive leader undertook a significant network upgrade across its production facilities in Pune and Aurangabad, and its Mumbai office, with Black Box’s expertise. Utilizing Extreme Networks' SPB technology, the company improved its network's core, distribution, and access layers, incorporating VSP 8K technology to elevate network performance and ensure seamless operations, setting the stage for future growth and innovation.


Extreme Network Transformation for the City of Waregem

Waregem's ambitious growth posed a network challenge for its city hall: outdated infrastructure, connectivity gaps, and manual management. Find out how Black Box and Extreme Networks revitalized the network, empowering seamless administration and citizen services, transforming what was once a bottleneck into a thriving hub of efficiency and innovation in the heart of Belgium.

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How a Complete Extreme Networks Solution Simplifies Management for a Renowned National Library

Discover how one of the largest libraries in the Netherlands tackled the complexity of managing extensive collections, diverse document formats, and evolving digital demands. See how Extreme Networks, in partnership with Black Box, provided an integrated solution, empowering the library to optimize its technical infrastructure, ensure security, and adapt to a changing landscape.

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University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham (UoB) embarked on a mission to enhance its existing network infrastructure while ensuring uninterrupted daily operations. Collaborating with Black Box, the university successfully implemented a new structured cabling system to support data, voice, CCTV, and wireless access points, encompassing cross-campus and in-building fibre links. These transformative upgrades significantly improved connectivity and network capabilities for UoB, supporting its mission of academic excellence.


Manufacturer's Network Optimization Saves $3M

A large food manufacturer turned to Black Box for help optimizing its network, upgrading its unified communications system, and supporting them after installation. The result was enhanced security and efficiency that lead to a projected savings of approximately $3 million.


Logistics Network Transformation Amidst a Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, one of India's largest fully integrated logistics providers faced the challenge of setting up and automating IT infrastructure across widespread locations. In collaboration with Black Box, the company leveraged an innovative on-prem and cloud-based solution by Extreme Networks. This solution simplified implementation and enabled centralized monitoring of operations through a single dashboard, significantly reducing the need for extensive IT staffing.


Airport Foils Ransomware Attack

A large, North American, international airport, decided not to pay on a ransomware attack. Instead, they turned to Black Box. Our experts isolated the “infection,” procured new equipment, rebuilt the network, and reinstalled data from backups. The resulting value totaled over $2 million.

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Municipality Adds Secure, Remote Access; Gains $1.1M In Productivity

During the lockdown, at a Northeast municipality employees couldn’t access files and applications remotely due to the absence of security features. Black Box provided a security platform that protected access to data for all users, devices, and applications. The result was a $1.1 million gain in productivity — plus millions saved by thwarting security breaches and ransomware attacks.


Baking Conglomerate Optimizes Network for Large-Scale Acquisitions

A series of large-scale acquisitions over 20 years created several large, disparate, expensive networking systems for this baking conglomerate encompassing 27 brands. Black Box created an optimized and consistent network across all their IT facilities, decreasing the time and expertise needed to maintain the system and ultimately decreasing TOC


Secure Laptops for Remote Workers

One of the largest bakeries in North America is known for its popular brands, freshness, and quality as well as its commitment to its employees. To that end, the bakery ordered 100 laptops to enable employees to work remotely and to ensure business continuity in case of prolonged COVID-19 disruption. The supplier put the shipment on hold reserving the laptops for government and healthcare clients. The bakery made its case that it was also essential in terms of meeting increased consumer demand and feeding the country, but to no avail. So the bakery reached out to us for assistance. Due to our strategic relationships, we were able to secure 98 remanufactured laptops that the bakery will use to replace those that fail in the field. 


Pandemic-Safe NOC for Miami Airport

When the pandemic hit, the Black Box team faced the daunting challenge of how to quickly transition Service-Desk Agents to a remote and socially distanced work environment, yet continue to provide mission-critical network and communications services with no disruption for the Miami International Airport. The team seamlessly cut over to a customized cloud-based solution and realized significant annual cost savings and a major reduction in call waiting and queue times.  

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Global Deployment


4K Cameras Capture Thieves — Cutting Losses by $1B

To enhance security and reduce loss, an international home improvement retailer wanted to upgrade its analog security cameras to high-tech, IP-based 4K cameras. They turned to Black Box, a trusted partner of more than two decades, for the large-scale, enterprise-wide rollout resulting in a reduction in losses.

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Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Upgrades Network 3 Years Ahead of Schedule

A global pharmaceutical company knew their legacy network configuration lacked the capability to handle masses of health data projected in coming years. Internal teams anticipated it would take 4 to 5 years to upgrade their 7 sites and over 350 switches. Black Box’s team completed the network upgrade in 1.5 years, $500K under budget.

IT Services


Technology Company Launches 3D and VR Experiences

A global technology company had a vision for creating leading-edge 3D and VR experiences for sports enthusiasts. They partnered with Black Box — who had been supporting them for over 25 years with localized MSP and global IT deployments — to provide on-site design and installation. Read the full case study.


Hospital Slashes Communications Costs, Consolidates Services, Retains Talent

A large hospital was tasked with synergizing its operations and communications all while working under one vendor. Black Box stepped in to deliver the golden triangle of people, processes, and tools to create a centralized communication system. The result was a predictable financial model, efficient operations, skilled personnel, and proven disaster management.

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Global Leader in Next-Generation Digital Services Seeks Black Box for MSP

The client for a multinational IT and business consulting company needed 24x7x365 managed services for network on-site support at 14 locations across North America and Latin America. The company tapped Black Box to provide over 150 full-time resources delivering LAN/WAN support, network configuration, installation, and management. 


Pharmaceutical Company Saves $1.3M with Optimized Wireless Environment

Black Box supports the entire IT and communications infrastructure for a global pharmaceutical company with more than 20,000 users at 23 sites. Over 12 years of experience with the organization helped us optimize their wireless environment to save $1.3M and migrate 25,000 users to an IP-based telephony.

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Global construction company creates universal AV standards.

Black Box developed a custom set of comprehensive AV standards for the client’s conference rooms, training rooms and huddle spaces. The in-room equipment and applications allow for ease of use and an optimized experience for both onsite and remote users.


Coachella Valley Water District Builds State-of-the-Art Control Room with Black Box and Integrated Media Systems

When updating their more than two-decade old control room, the California's Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) turned to Black Box to implement a flexible, secure, efficient, ergonomic, and intuitive solutions for signal extension and switching. Discover how our Emerald KVM over IP helped provide seamless communications and control. 

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Fast Turnaround for Five-Star Co-Working Spaces in Europe

Providing luxurious, high-functioning office space with the latest IT and support is the foundation of a European co-working company’s business. When installation at their latest location went awry, Black Box jumped in to complete the job in just six weeks, becoming a trusted partner for future locations in Europe and the United States.

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Leading Business School Uses KVM Extenders to Enhance Remote Learning During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic forced one of the top business schools in Canada to stop holding classes in their lecture halls. However, they still needed to teach their students who had already paid tuition. Their plan was to extend live video streams of their professors teaching in empty lecture halls to remote students. Black Box was happy to continue its relationship with the existing customer by recommending KVX Extenders.

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BBX VISIBLE Streamlines HVAC System Control

BBX VISIBLE IoT Platform streamlines HVAC control in a shopping mall, ensuring optimal air quality and energy efficiency with real-time data monitoring and predictive maintenance.

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Delivering the Golden Triangle (People, Processes, & Tools) to Leading Healthcare System

An internationally known healthcare system with disparate telecommunications platforms received centralized management and support that improved operational efficiencies, enhanced business agility, and strengthened morale

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Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) Streamlines Rail Travel with AlertWerks Solution

Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) just celebrated its 130th anniversary. To provide safe and reliable transportation services to all passengers and employees, TRA decided to upgrade their data center remote monitoring system.

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Utility Company Deploys DKM Receivers and ControlBridge Touch Panels in Control Room

A utility company improved its control room with DKM KVM and ControlBridge® touch panels. The solution enhanced workflow efficiency, reduced equipment, and garnered high customer satisfaction.

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Large Metro Passenger Transit System Deploys KVX Series Extenders for CCTV Security

India is developing a state-of-the-art metro transportation system, prioritizing passenger safety through CCTV monitoring. Black Box provided a cost-effective solution to extend KVM signals and connect CCTV joysticks, ensuring effective surveillance across varying distances. The metro system was impressed with the plug-and-play connectivity and transparent USB support, leading to a second order and potential future projects in other regions or countries.

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New York's Rockefeller Center Concourse Provides Tenants and Visitors with Seamless Wireless Connectivity

The underground Rockefeller Center Concourse is one of the highest traffic commuter thoroughfares in Manhattan, with an average of 65,000 commuters and visitors passing through each day, increasing to over 100,000 a day during the holiday season. 

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Belgian iconic monument St. Rumbold's Cathedral Tower gets its IT network infrastructure revamped with Black Box

St Rumbold's Cathedral is a medieval church built in the 15th century (year 1452) and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the heart of the city of Mechelen in Belgium.

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City Road-Works Department Builds IP-Video Security and Surveillance System

A German city's road-works department faced increased metal thefts. Partnering with Black Box, they implemented an IP-video surveillance system with strategic camera placement, wireless extenders, and a 2x2 video wall for monitoring. The solution was highly effective and appreciated.

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Hospital Solves its Asset Management Challenge

A leading hospital had a challenge managing and tracking medical equipment. It would not always have the right amount of telemetry packs and infusion pumps available. We helped it solve these challenges by using an RTLS system to track and manage this critical equipment


Agility Solution Secures and Updates Legacy KVM Installation

A Swedish organization sought to upgrade its KVM system to improve security and workflow efficiency while accommodating legacy VGA servers. They adopted Agility, a KVM over IP system, enabling secure management and flexible support for VGA and digital video interfaces.

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Providing Global IT Managed Services & Wireless Optimization for a Global Pharmaceutical Company

For more than 12 years, Black Box has supported over 20,000 users across 23 sites in North America and Europe. Through an optimal mix of on-site and remote IT staff, Black Box manages and supports the Company's entire IT and communications infrastructure.

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Hospital’s HIPAA Maintained Remotely At $1.2M Value

A Top 5 North American hospital network turned to Black Box to provide employees with secure, HIPAA-compliant remote access via cloud management. Results included potential reallocated hospital space, lower business risk, additional remote work opportunities, and a $1.2 million recognized value for investment in security devices.

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New Digital Signage Solution for Thomas College

Thomas College in Maine sought to upgrade its communication infrastructure during its expansion. The college replaced its existing video signage system, ThomasTV, due to bandwidth issues. Black Box's iCompel was chosen for its ease of use and bandwidth efficiency. The system allows customized content delivery across campus, meeting the college's requirements and supporting its growth.

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Shannon Brewing Company Implements Complete AVIoT Solution

Shannon Brewing Company is proud of their one-of-a-kind, award-winning, fire-brewed beer. Made with pure Texas spring water, whole grain, and whole flower hops, the beer is sure to satisfy the palate with its rich, malt flavor.

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Creating a New Network Operations Center

Miami-Dade Aviation Department now enjoys a redesigned and fully-staffed NOC and Service Desk that incorporates the latest technologies and procedures, as well as on-site Tier 1, 2 and 3 services, via more than 50 technicians and engineers.

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Major Broadcasting Company Deploys DESKVUE Receivers in Multiple Control Rooms

With a desire to use the most advanced modern technology, a major broadcasting company is currently building a new large broadcast campus. The company has already installed eight DESKVUE receivers in their control rooms, with more to come as additional buildings are completed. Operators are pleased with the improved view using a single 5K curved monitor and fast, intuitive system switching.

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UNC Gets Into the Esports Arena With MCX

By giving students and other visitors to the Carolina Gaming Arena straightforward control over video distribution, MCX AV over IP Distribution and Control lowers technical barriers to participation in the gaming community.

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Revolutionizing a Countywide 9-1-1 Call Center With Freedom Keyboard/Mouse Switches

Read how this call center put information front-and-center by connecting sets of four monitors to the Freedom II KM Switch. Operators can now manage a large amount of incoming information and react instantly with a single keyboard and mouse.

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Philadelphia Eagles Use Black Box Emerald KVM for Flexible, User-Friendly Virtual Access to Production Systems

Just prior to the pandemic, the NFL’s Philadelphia Eagles replaced their aging KVM system at Lincoln Financial Field and NovaCare Complex. The challenge was to find a new KVM solution that would allow for virtual machine access and flexible remote desktop access while ensuring continued performance and ease of use. The Philadelphia Eagles replaced their aging KVM system with Black Box’s Emerald KVM solution, which allowed for virtual machine access and flexible remote desktop access while ensuring continued performance and ease of use.

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Air Traffic Technical Watch Center Deploys Emerald IP KVM Solution to Ensure Safety Throughout an Airport

A major airport's technical watch center (TWC) needed to upgrade its outdated KVM Matrix equipment crucial for air traffic control. Black Box provided an IP KVM solution, ensuring low bandwidth, fanless units, and easy management. The solution met all requirements, enhancing the TWC's operations with futureproof technology, and plans to replicate it in other regional airports.

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New Service Desk Dramatically Improves CX and Cuts Costs at Miami International

Miami-Dade Aviation Department needed to modernize its mission-critical service desk, which handles approximately 50,000 calls each year. In the midst of pandemic lockdowns, Black Box accelerated the implementation a cloud-based solution without interrupting airline/airport operations and services while enabling safe, secure remote work.

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6 Reasons CAT6A is in Your Future

Why Black Box?

Migrating to a new communications system can be a daunting task. Black Box engineers and solution architects make it easy. We help you define your digital workplace communications and hybrid collaboration transformation goals, includingAV integration that makes working together more intuitive and strong office-of-one security protection. As a leader in UC&C — with a robust portfolio of solutions from best-in-class partners and a dedicated global team — Black Box can help you determine the consumption model that works best for you and aligns with your business drivers.


K-12 School District Improves Information Sharing With Vibrant Digital Signage

Elizabeth Forward School District sought a dynamic solution to showcase student work and real-time info. Black Box's customizable iCompel® digital signage seamlessly integrated into their infrastructure, enhancing communication and community pride.

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Fitness Company Reimagines AV Content Distribution System to Engage and Inform Customers

A large fitness organization wanted to update the AV content distribution system in their facilities. The system integrator turned to Black Box because they wanted an easy and reliable solution for AV content distribution.

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Children’s Hospital Achieves Seamless Transition of Devices on Massive Campus

Covering several acres, a children’s hospital emergency department suffered a common issue with networking: personnel Wi-Fi devices failed to transition between campus buildings. Black Box formulated an elegant and simple solution. By utilizing OnGo capable flash drives, the hospital can keep their existing devices while enjoying the superior security and flawless connectivity of OnGo.


Emerald KVM Gives Nurses at a Seattle Hospital Remote Access to Patient Monitoring Devices

A Seattle hospital needed nurses' stations with remote access to patient monitors. Black Box offered the Emerald SE KVM-over-IP system, improving productivity, optimizing patient care, and ensuring safety with high-definition display.

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Migrating CC&C SASE Medical Practice Consortium

Migrating to Modern UCaaS & Voice-Only MPLS Network
A consortium of more than 90 medical practices needed to migrate to a modern UCaaS & Voice-Only MPLS network. But they required high-quality HIPAA-compliance and an up-to-date voice solution. 


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European Police Station Boosts Control Center Efficiency with KVM Matrix Switching System

A prominent European Police Department, with 15 stations and over 14,000 staff, faced challenges in efficiently monitoring daily emergency traffic at its main control center. Partnering with Black Box, they developed a solution combining an NEC 55" LED Video wall, a Black Box DKM FX KVM Matrix, and a remote control touch panel, streamlining call prioritization and response times.

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Major Entertainment Company Revolutionizes its Digital Signage

An entertainment company implemented Black Box's Radian and MediaCento systems to enhance content distribution across their new building’s seven 2x2 video walls, achieving superior video quality and easy content management.

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Structured Cabling Design Considerations

A structured cabling system that’s smartly designed takes careful planning, even for the most seasoned professional. It’s much more than just pulling cable through the ceiling. It’s a complex undertaking that involves integrating different technologies and cabling types, projecting future capacity requirements, and making sure the whole system operates smoothly and reliably. Find out what you need to consider when planning a structured cabling system. 


Untapping the Future of Hollywood Post Production with Black Box KVM Solutions

Chainsaw, a Hollywood post-production company, overcame limitations of their outdated KVM system by implementing Black Box's high-speed fiber-based KVM solution. The new system provided seamless connectivity, scalability, and flexibility for clients, along with support for 4K content. It improved efficiency, reduced noise, enhanced security, and future-proofed Chainsaw's production infrastructure.

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Airport Uses Secure Remote Access Solution with Zero Latency for its Control and Training Centers

In the aviation industry, ensuring security and efficient control tower operations is paramount. Black Box provided a cost-effective DKM extender solution to support 4K video with zero latency for airport control towers and pilot training rooms. This solution improved workflow, offered crystal-clear 4K resolution, and enhanced security, leading to plans for international expansion.

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Mash Mechanix Uses IoT Sensors to Remotely Monitor and Manage Operations in its Brewery

Mash Mechanix Brewing Company in Colorado Springs uses Black Box's AlertWerks AW3000 Wireless Gateway and IoT sensors for real-time monitoring of brewery operations, enhancing quality control and operational efficiency.

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Black Box helps clients discover and deploy comprehensive digital workplace solutions.

Migration to IP-Based Telephony Increases Flexibility and Enhances Capabilities

The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) in Eugene, Oregon, needed to expand its customer service offerings but was unable to do so thanks to an existing communications system that had reached the end of its life cycle. Black Box moved SUB to IP-based telephony, which provided the company with enhanced routing, tools, and metrics, and featured a mobility option for field engineers.



German Public Television Station Upgrades KVM Matrix in Broadcasting Center

A Southern German TV station aimed to upgrade its broadcasting center's servers and KVM systems. Faced with the challenge of real-time control and seamless signal switching, they adopted the Black Box DKM FX platform. This solution effortlessly integrates 150-160 servers and 120-130 user consoles, ensuring uninterrupted workflows, efficient disaster recovery, and real-time collaboration across multiple users.

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Metro Healthcare System Cuts Costs and Frees IT Staff

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an advanced method to detect pathological changes in the organs inside the body. It uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed high-quality images of individual organs, joints and tissues. MRI scanners provide different view angles and, in certain cases, can present much better location, extent and cause of disease compared to conventional methods like X-rays or ultrasound.

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Emerald KVM Shines at WeFadeToGrey

WeFadeToGrey, a German post-production facility specializing in color grading, sought to upgrade its infrastructure for efficient, future-proof workflows. They chose Black Box's Emerald KVM over IP platform, offering pixel-perfect HD signal extension and switching, and enabling colorists to access software tools from any workstation.

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Complete Control Room Solution for a Weather Monitoring Organization

A weather monitoring organization collaborated with Black Box to transition and upgrade their control room systems to a new facility. Black Box provided network infrastructure, a KVM Matrix Switch for remote PC access, and a Radian video wall system. The upgraded control room streamlined operations, enhanced workflows, and improved display capabilities throughout the new building.

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Acclaimed Research Hospital Uses OnGo to Reduce Network Congestion

Citing congestion as a primary impediment to their current network, a national research hospital partnered with Black Box to mitigate network crowding and issues with connectivity. With more than twenty thousand devices accessing the local Wi-Fi network daily, the facility now benefits from reduced network strain and a forward-thinking ability to accommodate a practically limitless number of devices in the future.


The Nine Network’s New Emerald® IP KVM System Delivers Fail-proof Broadcasting

The Nine Network, Australia's leading media company, required a stable, high-performance KVM solution for its new Sydney offices. Black Box's Boxilla/Emerald IP KVM system provided the necessary network redundancy, support for high-resolution media, and reliable connectivity, enhancing productivity and minimizing system failures.

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Black Box Delivers IT Infrastructure for Office Depot’s Digital Innovation Center in the United Kingdom

Office Depot aimed to accelerate their eCommerce strategy and build a Digital Innovation Center in the UK to support thousands of daily orders. Black Box Network Services provided a fast and reliable IT infrastructure for the center, completing the project ahead of schedule, and creating a workspace that fosters innovation, collaboration, and meets the needs of the new millennium workforce.

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MMG Deploys Compact, Remote KVM in Outside Broadcasting Vans

Media Mobil GmbH (MMG) collaborated with Qvest and Black Box to create a compact OB van for flexible broadcasting. They employed the Emerald KVM solution for seamless control, weight and space efficiency, and easy scalability, meeting all requirements and ensuring smooth remote operations.

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Osmo’s Cosmos Rock Band Sets the Stage with Black Box AV Technology

Osmo's Cosmos, the glam rock band based in Finland, has found the perfect solution to enhance their stage productions with Black Box's MediaCento IPX system. This scalable and versatile technology allows the band to build video walls of varying sizes, while its easy setup and configuration make it a convenient choice.

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Monitoring Crucial Environmental Conditions in Hard-To-Reach Locations for EDF

Électricité de France S.A. (EDF) is a French electric utility company, largely owned by the French state. As a global leader in low-carbon energy, the EDF Group covers every sector of the energy business, from generation to trading and transmission grids.

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Digital KVM Extension and Switching in a German Airport Operations Center

The technical support staff at a large German airport operations center wanted to avoid heat and noise in a central control room while efficiently monitoring access control, security camera surveillance, and general airport security. They enlisted Black Box, and we implemented a highly reliable, 24/7 DKM system that is primed for expansion when the need arises. Operators now enjoy a quiet, cool, secure work area that compels them to work productively.

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Alumina Refinery Uses Emerald KVM to Control Its New Automation System

The refinery and Black Box agreed on a control room extension solution based on the Emerald SE KVM system. This point-to-point Emerald system allows operators to access the new servers in the equipment room from their workstations in the control room, streamlining workflows and enhancing operations.

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Empowering the Remote Workforce of Today and Tomorrow

Hundreds of homegrown field office networks were crippling a healthcare consortium's ability to execute its business promise to provide IT and compliance support.


WWE Enhances Production Efficiency with High-Performance KVM

Black Box provided WWE with a flexible KVM system upgrade that enhanced workflow efficiency within their production control rooms, offering access to multiple computers from one user station, ensuring high-quality video with zero latency, and providing cost savings by sharing resources seamlessly. WWE was highly satisfied with Black Box's support throughout the process.

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Nationwide hospital system relies on Black Box to prepare for major implementation.

Black Box saved a nationwide hospital system time and money during a $250M rollout across 100 locations. Our team surveyed hundreds of IDF closets to assess adequacy — and developed remediation plans for the infrastructure foundation


Driving Digital Advancement: LBHF Council Teams Up with Black Box

At the heart of West London's governance, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBHF) Council faced mounting demands for resilient digital infrastructure. Addressing this challenge head-on, Black Box delivered a tailored solution, designing a state-of-the-art communications room equipped to meet and exceed LBHF's evolving needs. The outcome? A seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and streamlined operations, propelling LBHF into a new era of digital progress.


Sabesp Selects Emerald & Boxilla for Control Room

A Brazilian waste management company improves performance and streamlines management for remote users who access its new command/control room.

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French Television-Station Directly Transmit Lossless HD for Video from a Mobile Van Live to Air

A French TV station needed digital signal switching and extension for their mobile broadcast trucks. Black Box provided the DKM FX platform, supporting various devices, resolutions, and signal types with up to 500 meters of KVM-attached device support. The system ensures uninterrupted, high-quality broadcasting while on the move.

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FOX Sports Uses Black Box Emerald KVM Extension for the Return of NASCAR and Live Sports

FOX Sports adapted to pandemic constraints by utilizing Black Box Emerald KVM over IP technology to enable remote control of production equipment, even for NASCAR events. This maintained seamless broadcast quality while reducing on-site personnel, ensuring efficient and safe broadcasts during challenging times. This solution has continued to enhance broadcasts even as normal operations resume.

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Virtualization Migration for a Leading French Broadcaster

Founded in 1995, CVS Engineering provides audiovisual systems and recently modernized a French broadcaster’s infrastructure using Emerald® IP KVM technology, enhancing efficiency and scalability.

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BBX VISIBLE Performs Remote Elevator Monitoring for High-Rise Buildings

BBX VISIBLE IoT platform enables remote monitoring and analytics for elevators in high-rises, offering real-time data, alerts, and predictive analysis.

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Glide and Switch Technology Improves Operator Response Time in Public Safety Answering Point

One of the busiest Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in the southeastern U.S., handling over two million calls annually, faced challenges in efficiently switching between multiple PCs for each call taker. Black Box introduced the Freedom KVM desktop switch, ensuring compatibility with the center's specialty keyboards and optimizing the switch to support built-in, hot-key sequences.

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Future-Proof Business Communications with SIP Trunking

Discover essential strategies for the PSTN/ISDN Switch Off in our on-demand webinar. Gain insights from Gamma on using SIP Trunking to future-proof your business communications effectively.

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New Control Center for Berlin Underground with Thales and KVM Technology from Black Box

Thales Germany transformed BVG's underground rail control center, using KVM technology by Black Box. Computers were relocated for security and flexibility, enhancing efficiency and service quality in monitoring the extensive rail network. The implementation was seamless, ensuring uninterrupted traffic operations and providing a smooth user experience with improved digital systems.

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South Alabama University Moves Legacy Communications System to Advanced IP with Spot-On Results

An out-of-date communications system sees its last days, ushering in a new, fully-capable, multi-use system oriented in IT and capable of delivering multimedia as well as traditional VoIP applications. Fears of an impending crash of the old equipment were laid to rest and a new cost-effective unified system was installed courtesy of Black Box’s team of communications experts.

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Migration to IP-Based Telephony Increases Flexibility and Enhances Capabilities

The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) in Eugene, Oregon, needed to expand its customer service offerings but was unable to do so thanks to an existing communications system that had reached the end of its life cycle. Black Box moved SUB to IP-based telephony, which provided the company with enhanced routing, tools, and metrics, and featured a mobility option for field engineers.



A municipality government was pursuing its AV system update and required a short turnaround. Black Box stepped in with 'product ready' components on hand and created a budget-friendly, scalable, consistent, and easy-to-use AV system with a delivery date of less than a month. They also added Black Box services to their system upgrade program to avoid future cases of falling behind.


Returkraft Deploys Emerald PE and Central Power Hub in a Brand-New Control Room

Returkraft, a waste-to-energy plant, addressed a control room explosion by swiftly deploying a temporary control room using Black Box's Emerald PE KVM solution, provided via Nordlo. It ensures safety and efficiency while paving the way for a permanent control room.

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High-Tech Healthcare Operating Room Deploys DisplayPort Active Optical Cables to Assist in Surgery Guided by Robotics

A High-Tech Healthcare Operating Room adopted DisplayPort Active Optical Cables (AOCs) for connecting robotic cameras to visualization systems. This ensured real-time, premium visuals, streamlined operations, enhanced surgical precision, and cost savings.

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WFMZ-TV Improves Production Environment and Network Utilization With Black Box Emerald KVM

WFMZ-TV, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, upgraded its infrastructure with Black Box's Emerald KVM solution, transforming workflow and signal flow across departments, achieving a 90% reduction in network utilization, and streamlining broadcast operations.

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KVM in Outside Broadcasting: Maximum Flexibility in a Small Footprint

A leading German broadcaster sought to upgrade their OB van, prioritizing weight, space, and functionality. Collaborating with Black Box, they integrated the innovative Emerald KVM platform, replacing an old analog KVM matrix. This allowed seamless control of both local and remote servers, reduced equipment clutter, and streamlined operations. The IP-based system offers flexibility for remote productions and is future-proof, ensuring a smooth transition from HD to 4K when desired.

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Global Energy

A Global Energy enterprise was using an outdated teleconferencing system, which needed to be upgraded to state-of-the-art video conferencing technology. However, despite interacting with multiple suppliers, they couldn't find a good fit. That is when Black Box stepped in to develop an AV conferencing system utilizing a consumable OpEX model deployed in short order and installed by experts across all the locations of this Global Energy company to provide similar experiences globally.


Dutch Medical Center Implements DKM KVM Matrix Switch to Distribute Pixel-Perfect MRI Images

A Dutch Medical Center required electronic distribution of MRI images across its expansive campus to 22 stations for diagnosis and surgical preparation. The challenge was ensuring pixel-perfect image reproduction over long distances, free from electromagnetic interferences. Black Box introduced the DKM FX Compact Matrix Switch system using fiber-optic cables, guaranteeing high-quality, real-time digital video, and peripheral data distribution, impressing the center with its reliability and adaptability for future requirements.

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Consolidating Disparate Telecommunications Systems into Private Cloud-Based UCS Generates Immediate Rewards

A large financial services company needed to revolutionize its aging and siloed telecommunications system. Black Box deployed, managed, and operated end-to-end, mobile-enabled unified communications via a private cloud. The result was an immediate and impressive cost savings, as well as soaring productivity.

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Yokogawa Optimizes HMEL Control Room Operations with MultiView KVM Solution

Yokogawa, in collaboration with Black Box and Rahi, effectively addressed HMEL's KVM extension challenge by implementing Freedom KM Switches, Multiviewers, and KVM Extenders, delivering a flexible, efficient, and redundant control room solution.

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A workspace-for-rent company, while expanding globally, was facing issues in providing consistent, reliable, and easy-to-use video conferencing technology in each location. They partnered with Black Box to create a modular, cartable conferencing system with minimal and repeatable components. Black Box provided a high level of tech with ease of use such that every staff member can deploy the system to any customer at any site at a moment's notice.


DESKVUE Streamlines Workspaces and Improves Reaction Time in Manufacturing Process Control

A manufacturing company’s Process Control System (PCS) is monitored in KVM workspaces with four screens, but it is difficult for operators to know where to look for crucial, time-sensitive information. Learn how DESKVUE consolidates important information directly in-line with operators’ eyesight, decreasing their reaction time so they can immediately correct equipment malfunctions or other critical situations.

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Emerald KVM over IP Solution Allows Modernization of Mission-Critical Control Room

A system integrator's client upgraded their control room with the help of a Black Box KVM application expert, utilizing the Emerald KVM over IP solution for 4K connections, remote access, and multi-site control while reducing bandwidth consumption. The system, which was developed over two years, offers efficient operation, ease of deployment, and improved reliability over the previous system. The successful implementation has led to a fully functional 4K KVM over IP system, providing operators with remote access to all systems, and will likely influence future upgrades at other sites.

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A Lesson on Effective Campus Communication with Digital Signage at La Roche College

La Roche College, a prestigious institution, sought to enhance campus communication with digital signage. They chose Black Box's iCompel solution for central management of digital signage content, emergency notifications, and ease of use, benefiting multiple departments.

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Complete Wireless Coverage for Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

Located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford is a world-class, non-profit hospital devoted entirely to the care of expectant women, infants and children.

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Top Research Hospital Readies for the Future

A national research hospital has over 20,000 different devices using its Wi-Fi daily. This number has increased 20% year over year for the past 8 years. Black Box designed a solution that uses OnGo™ to reduce the strain on the Wi-Fi network and to accommodate future wireless needs.


University Hospital uses AV-over-IP Solution to Enhance Sharing of Patient Information

Hospitals globally face challenges in optimizing doctors’ and nurses’ time, often with medical professionals having limited minutes for patient interactions. To address this at a Danish university hospital, Black Box implemented the MediaCento system, enabling medical staff to access patient information on screens in individual rooms without returning to central nurses' stations. This efficient system not only streamlined workflows, enhancing patient care, but was also rapidly deployed, setting a precedent for future expansions within the hospital system.

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Multinational IT client wireless refresh

Delivered IT  network optimization to 2,000+ locations — and identified almost $1M in direct savings.


Joy Global Mining Increases Productivity with Black Box iCompel

Challenged with a very short timeline, Joy Global chose Black Box as its digital signage solution for its Live Performance Management program because of the company’s prior success with iCompel® for its Human Resource digital communication project. Learn how standardized communications, powered by iCompel, across all of the company’s sites helped them find success. 

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Why Category 6A is the best tech deal around: Industry opinion

Migration to IP-Based Telephony Increases Flexibility and Enhances Capabilities

The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) in Eugene, Oregon, needed to expand its customer service offerings but was unable to do so thanks to an existing communications system that had reached the end of its life cycle. Black Box moved SUB to IP-based telephony, which provided the company with enhanced routing, tools, and metrics, and featured a mobility option for field engineers.


Emergency Management Agency Improves Remote Site Monitoring and Facilitates Operator Access in its Control Room

An Emergency Management agency sought to upgrade its control room infrastructure for effective disaster response. They partnered with Black Box, impressed by its reputation and previous setups. Black Box provided a comprehensive solution, including a Radian Flex Video Wall, an Emerald KVM-over-IP system, and ControlBridge touch panels, enhancing situational awareness and efficiency. The system met all requirements, facilitating quick, informed decisions and offering future-proof features.

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BBX VISIBLE Monitors and Guards Patient Safety in a Hospital

BBX VISIBLE IoT Platform enhances patient safety in a 500-bed hospital by providing real-time location tracking, loitering alerts, and emergency response through wearable panic buttons.

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India’s First Multimodal Transportation Project Selects Jido As Integral Part

The Indian road train, a groundbreaking multimodal transportation system, replaces up to 55 trucks, optimizing freight transport from road to rail. Black Box's JIDO GPS Freight Tracking Device ensured seamless, secure, and efficient cargo monitoring, meeting Indian Railways' requirements for real-time tracking, alerts, and security.

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Fonterra Moves Multiple CCs into Global Cloud for Significant Gains

To improve the customer, end-user, and agent experience, Fonterra consolidated four disparate, premise contact centers into one cloud platform. Omni-channel engagement reduced inbound calls by 29% and overflow calls by 21.8%. 

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Dutch Medical Center Builds State-of-The-Art Lab on KVM Solution

KVM systems have become critical to sophisticated control room operations dealing with a variety of critical sources; diagnostic laboratories and their control rooms are no exception. Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), worked with Black Box to build a future-proof KVM infrastructure for its lab and control room and establish a foundation for continued growth and advancement using new techniques and technologies.

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Emerald KVM Ensures Reliable Remote Support in Danish Schools

A group of 17 middle schools in and around the Danish city of Elsinore relied on a centralized IT department with seven staff members to provide technical support to all its students and faculty. The distance between schools and unpredictable demand for IT support proved to be challenging hurdles. Black Box entered the project and recommended Emerald KVM with exemplary results.

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Green Gas Company Monitors Nationwide Distribution Network From a Single IoT Dashboard

A major Indian green energy provider implemented an IoT solution with Black Box's BBX VISIBLE, enabling centralized, real-time monitoring and automation of their nationwide gas distribution network.

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Helping a Global Technology provide leading-edge 3D and VR experiences while reducing costs

Black Box supports hundreds of thousands of devices through our comprehensive Managed Services solutions centered on a unique Universal Technician model. 

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Managed field services delivers positive business outcomes for global financial services company.

A custom solution involving a universal technician model reduced the cost, downtime, and risk associated with using subcontractors. The service featured SLAs and dedicated technicians with 24/7 availability for dispatch and projects. 

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New IoT technologies rolled out universally at 2000+ locations.

A major home improvement retailer turned to Black Box to accelerate digital transformation efforts by leveraging our Global Multisite Deployment expertise.  

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Custom Control Room Solution Combines KVM Connectivity, Video Wall Processing, and System Control Under One Management for a Large Police Organization

A police organization expanded its control room operations using Black Box's KVM and Video Wall solutions, enabling efficient, scalable, and secure system management across multiple locations, enhancing collaboration and situational awareness through simplified, one-touch controls and connectivity.

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Mandalay Baseball Properties Updates Video Control Room for Dayton Dragons

The Dayton Dragons, a successful Single-A affiliate of the Cincinnati Reds, upgraded their video, audio, and control systems to create an unmatched fan experience. Mandalay Creative Services, in partnership with Black Box, installed a digital KVM matrix solution using DKM products, enabling multiple productions simultaneously with maximum uptime and high video quality. The DKM system's flexibility and reliability provided major league capabilities on a minor league budget, meeting the team's high standards.

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Government Organization Improves Reaction Time in Command and Negotiation Room

A government organization urgently needed a more responsive KVM solution for their command and negotiation room. Learn how Black Box delivered a DESKVUE solution that enables operators to react instantly in critical situations.

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Children’s Hospital Fixes Cell Coverage Issue

Because of COVID, a children’s hospital needed patients to remain in their cars until they were called. But there was poor cell coverage in the parking garage and even in the main hospital. We helped with a DAS system to effectively overcome this challenge.


The Best Networks must adapt to the times.

Enterprises are digitally transforming at an incredible pace, and employees are demanding faster and better performance from their network just to keep up.

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Automobile Museum Leverages Compact DKM System to Deliver an Unparalleled Interactive Experience for Visitors via a Touch Wall

An integrator upgraded an automobile museum's video wall with Black Box's DKM solution, extending 20 DisplayPort signals up to 4K over fiber, enabling an interactive visitor experience.

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The Business Value of AIOps and Wi-Fi as-a-Service

Date :- February 21, 2023 at 1 PM EST
Description :- During this webinar you will learn how to enhance operations with Wi-Fi as-a-Service using AIOps, machine learning, and big data to enrich IT data.

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BBX VISIBLE Monitors People Safety Inside an R&D Lab

BBX VISIBLE IoT Platform enhances safety in an R&D lab by providing real-time location tracking, emergency alerts, and monitoring scientists' movement for security.

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Delivering & Maintaining High-Quality Hyperscale Data Centers with Aggressive Deadlines

Provide a holistic suite of services for construction and maintenance of hyperscale data centers in alignment with client’s strategic plan.

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Spanish Electricity Giant Endesa Remotely Controls Its Plant Operations With The Help Of KVM over IP

Endesa, a Spanish electricity producer and distributor, needed to remotely control operations of a distant power plant without compromising video quality or relocating computers. Black Box implemented an Agility KVM Extender solution over 50 miles of fiber optic cabling, providing reliable and secure connectivity with redundancy options. The project enabled Endesa to simplify their telecontrol process and bring operational transparent added value to the end-user.

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Southern California City Does More With Less By Upgrading Its Network

The City of Redondo Beach, CA had a critical objective:  to provide reliability to critical public safety applications and a higher level of customer service while supporting demand for emerging technologies and advanced applications.  Black Box was able to help the city meet and exceed its goals with modern, forward-thinking and conservative upgrades with Avaya technology.

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Emerald KVM Optimizes Workflows and Increases Productivity at Swiss Broadcasting Company

A Swiss broadcaster needed a KVM matrix system for editors to access computers across their headquarters. Black Box's Emerald KVM-over-IP solution optimized workflows. Post-deployment, productivity increased, editors' convenience improved, and Boxilla ensured easy management.

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UK Country School Takes on Largest Broadband Project of its Kind

Cambridgeshire County Schools required a flexible networking solution to bring regional broadband to its district as part of the “Connected Learning Project.” The installation demanded business-quality integrated data networks across fifty schools and was intended to provide the infrastructure for a new, regional broadband network. Black Box entered at Phase One to ensure work proceeded safely and properly.


Ströer Relies on Industrial Switches from Black Box to Provide Eye-Catching Signage in Harsh Conditions

Ströer is a leading German provider of out-of-home (OOH) media and offers advertising customers individualized and fully-integrated, end-to-end solutions along the entire marketing and sales value chain.

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Manufacturer lacks the skills and expertise on staff to manage their UC environment.

For a large, food manufacturer with 24 by 7 factories running non-stop, their small IT team needed help with monitoring their UC and Network gear. The network for their facilities was complex and too difficult to manage in house.  With Black Box monitoring services, we were able to resolve incidents and events quickly before they became issues.  


New facilities and branches open faster and to high standards.

A PT services company struggled to roll out new network infrastructure and cabling at recently acquired facilities. Black Box, established in-building infrastructure standards and opened each of 70+ new sites in a year.  


KVM Over IP Brings Ultimate in Flexibility to German Public Broadcaster

A technical service provider for a large broadcaster faced challenges with a disjointed KVM system for its radio and television broadcasts. They opted to consolidate using Black Box's Emerald KVM-over-IP system and Boxilla platform, enabling seamless, wide-reaching connectivity across all broadcast control rooms and supporting the vast live programming demands.

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MCX Provides Instantaneous AV over IP Distribution in Military Tank Training Simulators

A large tank manufacturer supplies their military and defense customers with critical weapons of war, and, before delivery of the equipment, they must provide training on how to use them.

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Danish Hospital Implements KVM Matrix Switching Solution to Simplify Collaborative Diagnosis

Facing the challenge of a vast campus, Aarhus University Hospital's Center for Particle Therapy required a system to efficiently share patient brain and spine scans among doctors for collaborative diagnosis. They aimed to find a secure, flexible, and high-quality video delivery solution that allows medical experts to access and discuss patient data without the need for physical travel across the hospital grounds.

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Improve Customer Service and Disaster Recovery and Simplify Administration

This citizen-owned public utility was challenged with how to support an existing system that was end of life while moving to an IP-based telephony system for more flexibility and easier maintenance. 


Agnico-Eagle Monitors Mining Operations in Harsh Environments with Black Box KVM Technology

Agnico-Eagle, a Canadian gold producer, faced challenges in modern gold extraction processes with complex refining procedures. To monitor and control production, they set up cameras in the production areas and used Black Box KVM extenders to transmit signals between the control room and safe server room. The Black Box equipment worked flawlessly, providing an effective and flexible control system for the mine's operations.

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Delivering Best-in-Class Managed IT Field Services While Reducing Cost, Downtime, and Risk

Black Box supports hundreds of thousands of devices through our comprehensive Managed Services solutions centered on a unique Universal Technician model.

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Large Metropolitan Transit Authority Implements Custom Infrastructure

Washington D.C. Metro needed a complete network infrastructure at each Metrorail station supporting a complex digital video transmission setup customized for rail and metro applications. Because of our extensive experience and track record of success with similar projects, the customer chose to work with Black Box. The resulting solution maximizes safety for passengers and operators using the system.

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DKM Solution Brings Advanced Security to a Customer's Locked Server Room and Open-Office Workplace

A Swedish company needed to separate its classified and unclassified networks to protect them from outside interference or tampering. The Black Box DKM solution safely connects workstations located in an open-floor environment to secure servers locked in a control room, delivering optimum security at a lower cost than TEMPEST Secure KVM.

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Company Visualizes Maritime Operations with a Radian Video Wall Controller System

An oil extraction vessel upgraded its control room with Black Box's Radian Video Wall Controller, improving content display, situational awareness, and workspace efficiency, exceeding customer expectations.

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Air Traffic Control Centers Deploy Emerald® KVM over IP to Unify Their Extension Systems

Black Box provided a unified, IP-based KVM solution for two Air Traffic Control Centers, enhancing workflow, reliability, and training across remote systems.

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Updating the aging infrastructure to support new technology and ensure that the hospital continue to function properly

Located in the heart of the Silicon Valley, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford is a world-class, non-profit hospital devoted entirely to the care of expectant women, infants and children.

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Freedom of Speech: Discrete KVM Technology for LUXAV Lecterns

LUXAV's MediaPult 3.0 is an advanced lectern designed for speakers, featuring touch screens, gesture control, and intuitive presentation management. Partnering with Black Box, the system utilizes compact KVM technology for efficient signal transmission between the Director and lectern, ensuring flexibility and reliability. The lectern has garnered positive feedback at international events, emphasizing seamless presentations over visible technology.

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Installing and maintaining a new voice and phone system to support growing need

Established in 1925, Gunster is a full-service Florida law firm that provides counsel to leading businesses and individuals. It is known as Florida’s law firm for business and has 11 offices throughout the state. Gunster is a firm that prides itself on individualized service and thoroughly understanding its clients’ business.


Large School System Enhances Students' Learning with Unmanaged Network Switches

One of Switzerland's largest public school systems needed to upgrade its networking equipment for modern classrooms, aiming to connect multimedia via wired or wireless devices. Black Box provided reliable unmanaged Gigabit Ethernet switches, enhancing classroom workflows and internet access, resulting in a satisfied customer poised for potential repeat business during future network updates.

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Steel Company Enlists Freedom KM Switch to Streamline Process Control System Monitoring

A steel processing company needed to streamline control room operations with multiple computer systems. They adopted the Freedom KM Switch solution, allowing operators to control all systems with a single keyboard and mouse, resulting in improved efficiency, situational awareness, and response times.

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India's Largest Electric Company Uses Black Box KVM Switches to Provide Remote Access to Critical Servers

India's largest electric utility company needed to provide remote access to 16 servers in their control room so operators could monitor and manage the devices from their workstations. They turned to Black Box to implement a reputable high-performance KVM and KM solution. Learn how the ServSwitch CX KVM Switch, Freedom KM Switch, as well as video and USB extenders helped them improve operations and workplace efficiency. 

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Personalizing the Multi-Channel Shopping Experience

Technology is revolutionizing the customer experience and shopping is now multi-channel, ecommerce integration. One international retailer turned the online shopping experience into a personalized, interactive in-store experience with strategically placed digital signage and smart technology. In one store, the system sales increased 36% over a six-week period.


How SIP Trunking Boosts the Bottom Line

Learn the key benefits of SIP Trunking—from slashing legacy infrastructure costs to enabling scalable, flexible communication solutions that significantly improve your bottom line.

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Upgrading the voice and date communication capabilities to support a large military base

Ft. Bragg, NC is best known as the home of the U.S. Army Airborne Forces and is the largest army installation and airborne facility in the world. The most notable units stationed there include the XVIII Airborne Corps HQ, the 82nd Airborne Division, the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

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